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the inflation rate中文是什么意思

用"the inflation rate"造句"the inflation rate"怎么读"the inflation rate" in a sentence


  • 通货膨胀率


  • The inflation rate is into double figures , ie above 10 %
    通货膨胀率已进入两位数( 10 %以上)
  • In extreme temperatures , the inflation rate will decrease a little bit
  • The inflation rate excluding food prices was a less alarming 0 . 9 %
    除食品价格外,通货膨胀率为0 . 9 % ,该比率并不十分令人担忧。
  • Real interest rate is the nominal interest rate corrected by the changes in the inflation rate
  • Not to be confused with disinflation , which is a slowing down of price rises ( a fallin the inflation rate )
    不可与通胀减速混淆,后者指物价上升速度放慢(即通货膨胀率减低) 。
  • Under this discussion , the paper criticizes strongly the idea of referring the inflation rate as an intermediary goal
  • Money growth determines the inflation rate : a 1 % increase in money growth leads to a 1 % in crease in inflation
    货币的增长率决定了通货膨胀率:货币增长率1 %的提高导致了通货膨胀率1 %的增加。
  • The accumulation of vast foreign - exchange reserves has fuelled domestic money growth and the inflation rate has tripled in the past year
  • The underlying trend is for a further mild increase in 2007 , with the inflation rate forecast to average 3 . 5 per cent over the following four years
  • The nominal exchange rate is relevant , but more relevant is the real effective exchange rate reer , which also takes into account the inflation rate and the trade patterns
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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